Saturday, June 16, 2007

June 14, 2007 Experiences with Dollar Coins

My wife and I went to Red Lobster for lunch. Excellent. I asked the waitress if she would
prefer dollar coins or bills for the tip. "Whichever is easiest for you," was the response.
Ho hum.

On the way home we stopped at a strip mall for Pat to do some shopping. I went to
Publix to get three green bananas so Pat could have one for her next day lunch. All the check outs had lines, and the Service desk had no customers, just two clerks talking. I went there and laid my bananas on the scales and passed a dollar coin. $.61 for the bananas, the clerk gave me my chance, bagged my bananas and never stopped talking with the other clerk.

Ho hum again.

I'm finding that all the chatter in the media and coin press about the resistence to commercial use of the dollar coins has not been the reality of the actual experiences that I have had using dollar coins.


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