Saturday, June 16, 2007

June 14, 2007 Experiences with Dollar Coins

My wife and I went to Red Lobster for lunch. Excellent. I asked the waitress if she would
prefer dollar coins or bills for the tip. "Whichever is easiest for you," was the response.
Ho hum.

On the way home we stopped at a strip mall for Pat to do some shopping. I went to
Publix to get three green bananas so Pat could have one for her next day lunch. All the check outs had lines, and the Service desk had no customers, just two clerks talking. I went there and laid my bananas on the scales and passed a dollar coin. $.61 for the bananas, the clerk gave me my chance, bagged my bananas and never stopped talking with the other clerk.

Ho hum again.

I'm finding that all the chatter in the media and coin press about the resistence to commercial use of the dollar coins has not been the reality of the actual experiences that I have had using dollar coins.


Monday, June 11, 2007

I'm postitive on dollar coins

Submitted June 11, 2007 to Numismaatic News

I'm positive on dollar coins.

Sure, all the talk on dollar coins is negative. Too heavy, won't work,been tried and failed, I've not read a positive news story anywhere.

So, I gave all my one dollar bills to my wife and switched over to dollar coins just to see what would happen. I'm surprised. Dollarcoins are easier to use than dollar bills and clerks like them.

I carry the dollar coins in with my change. Call them super quarters,or round dollars, whatever, what I've found is that I can pay exact change very quickly. No more change building up in my pocket, changekeeps leaving my pocket throughout the day. The next day I start outwith more dollar coins and more change.

So far, all the cashiers have been happy to have the coins. I'm sure one day I'll get a negative response for using dollar coins, but it hasn't happened yet.

I wonder if any other people are happily using dollar coins? I'd appreciatecomments, positive or negative, at

Henry Stevens
Punta Gorda

Using Dollar Coins

submitted to Coin World letters to the editor June 11, 2007

Using Dollar Coins

Recently I gave my wife all my one dollar bills and switched entirely to using dollar coins. I carry them with my change. My purpose was to see howit would actually work and what kind of response I would get makingdollar coin transactions.

Despite all the negative articles appearing in the coin press I foundit to be a postive experience. The coins are easy to get at my bank.Every time I've offered coins they have been welcomed,in fact most clerks have been delighted.

I find using dollar coins in with my change easier to carry and use because I givedollar coins and correct change, all from one handful at one time. When giving dollar bills I tend to accept change because I hate to make the clerk wait while I dig out my change to make correct change. Rather, I let them give me change, which they can doreally fast. The change just builds up in my pocketand in jars at home.

So far, I'm hooked on dollar coins. I wonder if all the people who write so negatively about dollar coins have actually tried them? Perhaps they would be surprised if they did?
Comments appreciated at

Henry Stevens Punta Gorda Florida

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Buying Groceries

06/09/2007 Quick shopping at Publix. Bananas and grapes, some tonic, total $7.88. Paid with dollar coins and exact change. Beth, the cashier, said, "Oh Wow, the new dollar coins. I've not gotten any before."

I like this exact change idea that can be accomplished quickly using dollar coins. With dollar bills first I reached in my pocket for the dollar bills, and then fumbled around for the exact change. But mostly I'd use an extra bill and accept the change. And the change just kept building up at home in jars and paper cups.

Now I'm working off change with every purchase. I'm liking that idea.


Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Back to Wachovia for more dollars

June 5 2007. Today I went back to Wachovia Branch for more dollar coins. Got a roll and 22 loose. The roll was mixed coins. Susan B, Sac, Washington and one Adams. From there I went to Publix. a Florida grocery chain, and purchased bananas and apples. $4.84, paid with 5 coins and got 16 cents in change. No comment by either me or the cashier about the coins. Just Hi and Goodby.

It appears that dollar coins are easier-for me at least- to handle than dollar bills. I just reach into my pocket with change and take the number of dollars I need and present them in payment. If it was an exact change transaction I would just lay my coins on the counter, as all the clerks can make change faster than I can. I just scoop up what's left and put it in my pocket.

I have a tick about of having all the bills including ones facing the same way and right side. Coins appear to be easier than bills for me.


Sunday, June 3, 2007

Circulating dollar coins is fun

I've started circulating dollar coins and to my surprise it's FUN. I went to the local Wachovia Branch near my home and asked for curculated dollar coins. The teller didn't have a roll on hand, but offered me four coins. I said fine.

The next teller over piped in with "I've got six." The two drive tellers each had a few and brought them over. I left with 21 circulated dollars. I gave a Susan B Anthony and a Sacawega to my neighbor who was riding with me and put the rest in my pocket with my other change.

Later at Wal-Mart I passed a few and the clerk said, "I'll buy those." I said would you like some more and she said yes, but I don't have any more money. So she took her credit card over to the next check out and charged an amount and that clerk gave her cash and she came back and bought my remaining nine various coins.

I'm going back to the bank and get more dollars and see if I can continue to have fun passing dollar coins. So far it has been a very pleasant experience. I'm surprised and an going to keep at it.

I'll report here later.
