Sunday, June 3, 2007

Circulating dollar coins is fun

I've started circulating dollar coins and to my surprise it's FUN. I went to the local Wachovia Branch near my home and asked for curculated dollar coins. The teller didn't have a roll on hand, but offered me four coins. I said fine.

The next teller over piped in with "I've got six." The two drive tellers each had a few and brought them over. I left with 21 circulated dollars. I gave a Susan B Anthony and a Sacawega to my neighbor who was riding with me and put the rest in my pocket with my other change.

Later at Wal-Mart I passed a few and the clerk said, "I'll buy those." I said would you like some more and she said yes, but I don't have any more money. So she took her credit card over to the next check out and charged an amount and that clerk gave her cash and she came back and bought my remaining nine various coins.

I'm going back to the bank and get more dollars and see if I can continue to have fun passing dollar coins. So far it has been a very pleasant experience. I'm surprised and an going to keep at it.

I'll report here later.


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